Entertainer, Author, Illustrator Anthony Zarb presents…
Arlo’s Treasure
Preschool and School Programs
Arlo’s Treasure is linked to the Australian National Literacy Progression, providing staff and students access to a wonderful educational resource
Suggested Student Audience: Preschool, Early Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3
Key Learning Areas: Literacy, PD/H, Shared Reading, Creative Arts
Captivate young readers and learners with this beautiful tale about life’s treasures presented by author and illustrator Anthony Zarb.
Arlo loves his family and will dig, burrow (and dig some more!) in order to provide them with the most beautiful life he can – what he discovers is far beyond the treasure he first began searching for.
Students and teachers alike will love this beautifully written tale. A modern day classic that will captivate readers and inspire the search for inner treasure.
Arlo’s Treasure is linked to the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL LITERACY PROGRESSION providing staff and students access to a wonderful educational resource.